Thursday, June 25, 2015

19 more days

Hey fam,
Hope you guys have been doing well.
We had another lesson with Rob and Gena and we were able to answer their concerns. He had read 3 Nephi 11 as we had invited him to and he asked about that.
We mostly talked about the Great Apostasy. They believe that it was the bishops that carried on the Apostolic ministry, who ordained more bishops who ordained others etc... Both they and the Greek Orthodox Church and it's derivatives have that claim. Which is impressive really.
The way we explained it was that because of the apostasy of members of the Church and Roman persecution the Lord removed His Apostles and Priesthood authority (2 Thess 2:3). They had continued to ordain other Apostles after the death of Judas and others but eventually all had been martyred or died of natural causes. The Apostle John was the last one and banished to the Island of Patmos where he wrote the famous apocalyptic book of Revelation.
From that time on the Church was governed by Bishops who did not hold the office of Apostles.
I had an experience with a modern apostle last Sunday. We got out of the PEC meeting and Elder Oaks passed us in the hallway. He was trying to go to Priesthood, Relief Society and Young Women's so he didn't have time to stop and talk but he did wave. The Spirit came upon us so strongly that I knew he has that same Apostolic authority that the original 12 had.
Thank you so much for everything, I love you, missionary work and the Savior that leads this Church. I'm going to miss my mission greatly.
Elder Szendre
1. Me and "Vedralin" He's a vegetarian ehh we have so many vegetarian dinners
2. Our new mission vehicle haha



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