Thursday, January 9, 2014

From December 30, 2013:

It was so good to see you guys on Christmas! Words can't describe how awesome it was, dinner was a little hard, but it was still a great day. We had Christmas with the district, it was pretty cool. 

We had two miracles this week, both with less active families. The first was a recent convert of about two years ago that in the last few months hasn't been coming back to Church. We were in their neighborhood and had to use the restroom and so we rode up to their house and right as we did the garage door opened, and we met him and was able to visit them that day.

Yesterday at the home of a few unbaptized children, the mother drove in right as we got a flat tire in front of her driveway. We visited with her and talked about her family, she told us straight up what was going on and we had a really good visit with her.

Both of our appointments with Michael and Brianna and Billy and Nicole fell through. 

This work is hastening. We're trying to get three new investigators this week for each companionship as a mission and we know that it can happen. 

Keep moving! This has been one of the hardest moments on my mission, and I'm just getting through it one step at a time. "Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail." (D&C 6:34) I've had some really really special spiritual experiences though, and I can tell you that this gospel is worth it while yet in this life, and so anything after is just extra.

The Savior lives, I know it with all my soul. Take care, I'm praying for you every day.

Elder Szendre

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